Our biggest wins are the organizations that are part of the Harrington Cancer & Health Foundation. Together, we work to create meaningful and lasting change in the health of our community.

The power
of community
What we do
HCHF is a Community Health Foundation serving the Amarillo Region. We help reduce the burden of cancer for families across the Texas Panhandle. In addition to cancer, we’ve also made access to care, behavioral health, and chronic disease prevention and management top priorities.
You can help
Your donation goes a long way
When you make a gift to HCHF, its programs and events, you are directly impacting the lives of residents of Amarillo and surrounding communities. Thank you for your interest in helping improve the regional Amarillo, Texas community.
Recipient spotlight
Philip & Catherine Wedding
24 Hours in the Canyon Cancer Survivor Center
“Hearing the words ‘you have cancer’ is startling; hearing the news twice was quite a surprise!” says Catherine Wedding. Catherine and her husband Philip, have each experienced a cancer diagnosis and underwent treatment just a year and a half apart. Each time, they faced life as they always do – with equanimity. Catherine and Philip credit their faith in God and their amazing friends with lending strength and support through their journey. Several months after Catherine’s diagnosis, the Weddings saw a TV ad about HCHF and the 24 Hours in the Canyon Cancer Survivorship Center. They decided to try it out. When asked about the Center, Catherine says two words come to mind: Hope and Normalcy. In her words, the Center became a great fortifier of hope in their lives, and by participating in the Center’s FREE resources like exercise and nutrition classes, and oncology massage, they felt a much-needed sense of normalcy.
Donors like YOU have provided these benefits to the Weddings and many other survivors who find solace in the Center. In Philip’s words, “I would say Thank You. Thank you because the donors have made it possible for Catherine and me to go through this process together and have allowed us to concentrate on our treatments and getting better.”
Recipient spotlights
The Hall Family
Children’s Miracle Network
This past April, the Hall’s youngest son, Hudson, began having some worrisome symptoms. With repeated ear infections and extreme tiredness, his mom, Meredith, took him to his pediatrician on a Monday morning. After some bloodwork, he was admitted to Northwest Texas Hospital. By that Friday, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and had his first dose of chemotherapy. The Halls contacted Children’s Miracle Network and Meredith says she will never forget receiving the phone call telling her how CMN would help her family. She said, “it was like the biggest burden had just been lifted off my shoulders”. Donations to CMN relieved some of the financial burden from his diagnoses such as numerous doctor visits, hospital stays, chemotherapy treatments and daily medications.
Children’s Miracle Network is a program of the Harrington Cancer and Health Foundation. Every dollar donated through CMN is used immediately to help a local sick or injured child, just like Hudson. The Hall’s say, “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are tremendously blessed by and grateful for CMN!”
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At All Cost
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Our Mission
To reduce the burden of cancer and to promote and serve the healthcare needs of residents living in Amarillo and surrounding communities.
About us